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Don’t fret about a new opportunity. You work hard. So your accomplishments are reflective in your personal brand because you’ve made all the right moves to obtain this new opportunity. Whether the opportunity is within your current organization or at a new one, you need to make a good decision. So, take a moment to weigh […]

October 10, 2015

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Stay in the Know!

The top factor that contributes to anyone’s success is mastery of one’s craft. In the Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell explains the theory of the “10,000 Hour Rule”, which is simply a matter of practicing a specific task for 10,000 hours to accomplish perfect mastery. If you allotted 20 hours a week, that would take 10 years. Trust me, […]

October 6, 2015

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Starting out, it’s pretty difficult to determine how to generate new customers. Entrepreneurs often think it’s difficult to compete with larger company’s who can press a button with some crazy algorithm attached to it that can generate leads. But it doesn’t have to be. Customers aren’t going to come just because you have an amazing […]

September 28, 2015

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Stay in the Know!

Stay in the Know!

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