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Every year in July, I sit down with Viv and review my annual goals to check in on my achievements, hardships, obstacles, and opportunities. Over the year’s she’s learned that I’m not just having a crazy break down, but that this is my moment where I grow, and push myself to strategize on how I […]

July 9, 2020

Setting Goals the GoodLife Way - 6 Month Goal Setting Habit

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Stay in the Know!

You picked a goal, made a plan and crushed it. Congratulations! But yesterday’s accomplishment will soon become irrelevant. So you should always be working on your next goal.The hardest part about success is maintaining it. Why? Because it’s difficult for the average person to maintain the discipline that’s necessary to continuously be successful.  Doing something […]

March 27, 2016

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eth·i·cal  (ĕth′ĭ-kəl) adj. In business, ethical means to operate under standard conduct of honesty and fairness in their relationships with coworkers, customers, and partners. It’s important to make an effort to treat everyone you come in contact with, as you would want to be treated. Honesty and fairness are the two ethical qualities of successful business owners. […]

March 7, 2016

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Stay in the Know!

Stay in the Know!

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